Our students are busy, and we know parents are too. We invite you to use our calendar to help you keep your household running smoothly. You can keep track of extracurricular events, school breaks, parent-teacher conferences, and more by bookmarking this page and checking back often.
As warmer weather approaches, we are seeing a lot of skirts/shorts/dresses that do not meet the dress code. Per our dress code, shorts/skirts/dresses should not be more than three inches above the knee, and shirts should have sleeves. Sleeves/hems may not be rolled or tucked under to create tank top or crop top style clothing. This dress code applies to all activities on campus including sports and extracurricular activities.
Please also note that jeans on Friday cannot be cargo style pants and must have a hemline. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Our field day will take place on Friday, March 14. This is also an early release day for K5 to 8th grade. We are looking forward to a fun day!